Tag dissipation in lighting fixtures

DISSIPATION in lighting fixtures

disipazione nei corpi illuminanti

One of the limits to the development of LED technology is certainly heat dissipation. In the LED, as there is no infrared emission, this occurs only through its body, from this to the printed circuit, from the printed circuit to…

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    Ip protection degree: Ip65, Ip44, Ip54 Meaning and Table

    The standard CEI EN 60529/1997 classifies all the degrees of protection of all electrical devices, i.e. the famous IP degree (also called international protection marking and not entry marking as it is sometimes erroneously defined).

    This data was defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission through IEC 60529 which classifies the degree of resistance and protection against the probable intrusion of liquids or solids through numbers and letters (those that in less technical jargon are defined as "dust resistant", "impermeable "). This system is valid with rated voltage up to 72.5 kV.

    The degree of protection is made up of the 2 letters IP or International Protection, where we then find another 2 successive digits, usually numerical or marked with an x and finally 2 other letters that more specifically define the protection of our device (in fact, we often find acronyms such as Ip65, Ip44, Ip55, Ip20, ip64 and many others that indicate to which class they belong).

    To give a practical example, let's consider an IP67CH certification degree. Starting from the beginning we therefore find IP (International protection or ip protection in English) followed by the numerical part which is included in a range from 0 to 6 or an x, followed by a second numerical digit included from 0 to 8 (or x) and by 2 additional letters which can be A,B,C or D for the first and H,M,S,W for the last.

    The first digit (in our example 6 since the category abbreviation is IP67CH) identifies the degree of protection or resistance against the penetration of solid foreign bodies. This range extends from the number 0 to 6 as previously mentioned, but you will find below the meaning of all the numbers arranged in order.

    Table Classification and Meaning Ip Protection Degrees

    1st number after after initials IP

    • 0 or X: None.
    • 1: Protection against solid bodies >= 50 mm in diameter.
    • 2: Same meaning but bodies >= 12 mm in diameter.
    • 3: Solid bodies >= 2.5mm in diameter.
    • 4: Solid bodies >= 1 mm in diameter.
    • 5: Protection against dust (non-harmful).
    • 6: Total protection from dust.

    Let's now take the second digit of our example or 7 (always considering the IP67CH degree). The meaning of this number instead indicates the resistance to penetration by liquid substances and bodies (very often water).

    2nd number after after initials IP

    • 0 or X: None.
    • 1: Vertical drop water protection.
    • 2: Rain protection with 15° from vertical.
    • 3: Protection from water and rain with vertical up to 60°.
    • 4: Stronger protection than others from splashing water from all directions.
    • 5: Protection against jets of water higher than the previous one.
    • 6: Protection against powerful and abundant water jets.
    • 7: Protection against temporary and non-permanent immersion in water.
    • 8: Continuous immersion protection.

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    The mechanical resistance classification IK is specified in the European standard EN 62262 and its international equivalent - IEC 62262:2002. It can be used to determine the degree of protection against impact (vandal protection) in cameras used in video surveillance and other devices. The IK classification allows you to specify the degree of protection that is guaranteed by the device case against external mechanical impacts.

    The indication of the mechanical strength IKxy consists of the letters IK and its level in an eleven degree scale (from “00” to “10”). The higher the numerical value of the IK parameter, the higher its mechanical strength. The IK indication determines the resistance potential of, for example, a camera and facilitates the selection of the one that best suits our needs. A high IK value can prevent the need to replace a camera due to impact due to, for example, vandalism. To find out if the camera you want to buy is vandal resistant, you need to check the IK rating assigned to it.

    Below is a table with the appropriate IK levels and corresponding impact resistance

    IK LEVELImpact resistanceImpact equivalent
    000 Jno protection
    010,15 Jfalling of a 200g object from a height of 7.5cm
    020,20 Jfalling of a 200g object from a height of 10cm
    030,35 Jfalling of a 200g object from a height of 17.5cm
    040,50 Jfalling of a 200g object from a height of 25cm
    050,70 Jfalling of a 200g object from a height of 35cm
    061 J falling of a 500g object from a height of 20cm
    072 J falling of a 500g object from a height of 40cm
    085 Jfalling of a 1700g object from a height of 29.5cm
    0910 Jfalling of a 5000g object from a height of 20cm
    1020 Jfalling of a 5000g object from a height of 40cm

    Another very important property of the case is the type of material from which it was made. The following list presents the advantages and disadvantages of some commonly used case materials.

    Polycarbonate (PC) and glass fiber reinforced polycarbonate (PC + GLASS)

    excellent mechanical resistance
    plastic material also available in transparent version
    simple machining using standard tools
    high degree of protection
    smooth and attractive finish
    wide range of working temperatures
    self-extinguishing plastic material
    good chemical resistance
    low weight
    good resistance to UV rays
    excellent insulating properties
    low material costs for use in hostile environments
    no EMC shielding

    Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)

    simple machining using standard tools
    possibility of coloring with pigments
    low weight
    good chemical resistance
    excellent insulating properties
    slightly lower mechanical resistance than polycarbonate
    slightly lower working temperature range
    slightly lower UV resistance than PC
    the plastic material is not available in the transparent version
    no EMC shielding

    Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester (GRP)

    eccellente resistenza alla corrosione e sostanze chimiche
    buona resistenza meccanica
    rigidità della struttura
    resistenza gli agenti atmosferici
    ampia gamma di temperature di lavoro
    resistenza al fuoco
    buone proprietà isolanti
    more expensive material than PC
    mechanical processing is possible only with the use of special tools
    no EMC shielding
    higher weight than other plastics

    Aluminium (AL)

    good chemical resistance (powder coating)
    excellent mechanical resistance
    wide range of working temperatures
    ease of grounding
    EMC shielding
    good resistance to a rapid increase in temperature
    rigidity of the structure
    more expensive material than PC
    higher weight than PC and ABS
    mechanical processing is possible only with the use of special tools


    The CH64 series was among the first industrial ceiling lights to adopt a quadrangular shape. In industrial environments, especially in the past, it was common practice to use lamps / ceiling lights with a circular base, also to adapt to a single light transducer which was made up of the central bulb.

    A circular lighting body can only create holes of light on the ground, especially if the environment in which it is inserted is a rectangular-shaped environment. On the contrary, a ceiling light that transmits a quadrangular beam of light can only make the ground more uniform.

    The CH64 series was then designed with a spaced distribution of the LEDs, this for a better yield on the ground but also to avoid overheating between the LEDs themselves, thus giving a greater longevity to the luminaire.


    Basically, the following solutions are provided for installing the MY36B appliance.


    Ceiling installation is the most common; to do this, remove the bracket from the appliance by unscrewing the 2 M5 screws (fig. 1/A and 1/B).

    When the bracket is separated from the appliance, locate the most suitable holes in the bracket for fixing it. The choice of holes and screws or accessories for fixing must be made according to the material of which the ceiling is built. When the bracket is fixed




    The MY36B appliance is equipped with a bracket (fig. 1/a) with holes. To hang it from the ceiling, use 2 eyebolts to insert in these holes. For installation on busway use special hooks.


    Also MY36B. as well as the CH64 series has a square shape with spaced and equally distributed LEDs.

    In industrial environments and in laboratories with heights of up to 6 meters it is perfect, its flow uniformly covers the surface without creating "light holes". Also ideal for particular environments, such as clean or gray rooms, which require installation close to the ceiling and uniform and precise light on the ground.

    The CH64 series was then designed with a spaced distribution between the LEDs themselves, thus giving the fixture greater longevity.


    Even in indoor applications, natural lighting is almost always present. If we exclude the night hours and rooms without windows or skylights, natural light contributes, to a greater or lesser extent, to the lighting of the environment. In some environments, in certain periods and for a few hours a day, this light is so strong that it does not require artificial lighting and therefore, manually or automatically, the devices are switched off.

    The autodimmer is not limited to this; the autodimmer performs a continuous and constant control over the whole area of the room, in every season and every minute of the year.

    When sunlight enters the room or an area of it (an open door is enough), the power of all the devices involved is reduced so as to keep the lighting as uniform as possible.

    The adjustment is so fine and accurate that, even by carefully observing the lamps, it is not perceivable by the staff; however, it is continuous and constant and the average energy saving can reach 40-50% compared to a traditional LED fixture. This is not only an immediate economic advantage because the life of the appliance is also extended by 40-50%.

    CH64D is equipped with AUTODIMMER, it is a sensor, managed by a microprocessor, which reduces the power of the fixture when the illuminance from natural light exceeds the set threshold. This solution allows a considerable reduction in consumption throughout the year, with an average saving of 20-25%, which varies according to the number of hours it is switched on.


    Traditional lighting fixtures, including those with first generation LED technology, work at constant power and variable flux; over time the luminous flux decreases and the lamp must be replaced. To compensate for this decrease, traditional lamps must deliver, when new, a flux 25-30% higher than necessary.

    In the CH64D series industrial ceiling lights, the initial flux is set to the exact value required by the project or by the customer and is kept constant for the entire life of the fixture. This is provided by the microprocessor which, initially, supplies a current 20-30% lower than the normal one, then increases it over time according to the loss of efficiency of the LEDs.

    This solution has many advantages:

    • constant flow throughout the life of the lamp.
    • initial consumption reduced by 20-30%.
    • average consumption lower by 10-15%.
    • longer life because LEDs work on average with lower currents.


    Basically, the following solutions are provided for installing the CHIARA H4 appliance.


    To hang the CH64 device using chains or cables, use the two holes in the

    upper part of the bracket, inserting in each one an M6 male eyebolt fixed with a self-locking nut.



    To suspend the CH64 appliance from the busway, it is necessary to use 2 hooks, supplied by the busway manufacturer and suitable for use, to be fixed to the bracket (fig. 1).


    Per fissare l’apparecchio CH64 ad una trave, o supporto perforabile, utilizzare la controstaffa corta. (fig.1)



    To fix the CH64 appliance to a vertical wall or to distance it from a ceiling or other horizontal support, use the long counter-bracket (fig. 3).



    For suspended installations that also require an aesthetic result, we recommend using the APPENDINO accessory (fig.4), supplied separately. The hanger allows you to suspend the CH64 luminaire from the ceiling or inclined beams of any shape.



    Ip protection degree: Ip65, Ip44, Ip54 Meaning and Table

    The standard CEI EN 60529/1997 classifies all the degrees of protection of all electrical devices, i.e. the famous IP degree (also called international protection marking and not entry marking as it is sometimes erroneously defined).

    This data was defined by the International Electrotechnical Commission through IEC 60529 which classifies the degree of resistance and protection against the probable intrusion of liquids or solids through numbers and letters (those that in less technical jargon are defined as "dust resistant", "impermeable "). This system is valid with rated voltage up to 72.5 kV.

    The degree of protection is made up of the 2 letters IP or International Protection, where we then find another 2 successive digits, usually numerical or marked with an x and finally 2 other letters that more specifically define the protection of our device (in fact, we often find acronyms such as Ip65, Ip44, Ip55, Ip20, ip64 and many others that indicate to which class they belong).

    To give a practical example, let's consider an IP67CH certification degree. Starting from the beginning we therefore find IP (International protection or ip protection in English) followed by the numerical part which is included in a range from 0 to 6 or an x, followed by a second numerical digit included from 0 to 8 (or x) and by 2 additional letters which can be A,B,C or D for the first and H,M,S,W for the last.

    The first digit (in our example 6 since the category abbreviation is IP67CH) identifies the degree of protection or resistance against the penetration of solid foreign bodies. This range extends from the number 0 to 6 as previously mentioned, but you will find below the meaning of all the numbers arranged in order.

    Table Classification and Meaning Ip Protection Degrees

    1st number after after initials IP

    • 0 or X: None.
    • 1: Protection against solid bodies >= 50 mm in diameter.
    • 2: Same meaning but bodies >= 12 mm in diameter.
    • 3: Solid bodies >= 2.5mm in diameter.
    • 4: Solid bodies >= 1 mm in diameter.
    • 5: Protection against dust (non-harmful).
    • 6: Total protection from dust.

    Let's now take the second digit of our example or 7 (always considering the IP67CH degree). The meaning of this number instead indicates the resistance to penetration by liquid substances and bodies (very often water).

    2nd number after after initials IP

    • 0 or X: None.
    • 1: Vertical drop water protection.
    • 2: Rain protection with 15° from vertical.
    • 3: Protection from water and rain with vertical up to 60°.
    • 4: Stronger protection than others from splashing water from all directions.
    • 5: Protection against jets of water higher than the previous one.
    • 6: Protection against powerful and abundant water jets.
    • 7: Protection against temporary and non-permanent immersion in water.
    • 8: Continuous immersion protection.

    Silicone Optics

    All traditional lighting products are equipped with a glass or other protective material and many LED luminaires also use this solution; in others, the lenses protect the LEDs; In still others both lenses and glass are present; in any case one or both are present in all LED luminaires.

    Almost all manufacturers who use lenses make them in PMMA; a good quality thermoplastic technopolymer which in any case has a transparency of 86-88%, even the polycarbonate or methacrylate diffusers do not exceed 85%. Even the extra clear glass does not exceed 92% transparency and in any case, for reasons of glare, it must be satin finished or combined with reflectors, with further losses.

    Whatever the solution, they all cause efficiency to be lost; from 15% in the best cases up to 20-22% of the combined glass-lens. Continuing the philosophy of high quality, LuxLED has reduced this loss by adopting silicone lenses for the CH64 and MY36 series ceiling lights and for the SI and SS (INDUSTRIAL and SPORT) line projectors. Liquid silicone, LSR, has already been used for many years in contact lenses and has unique and unsurpassed characteristics: it resists heat, does not turn yellow, cannot be attacked by solvents, is modeled with precision in very thin thicknesses and, above all, has a by 94%. Obviously the LuxLED lenses, in industrial ceiling lights, do not just change the angle but shape the beam from circular to quadrangular to improve uniformity and coverage in corners and on walls; in the projectors of the STL line, depending on the use, the lenses are chosen to cut the light cleanly, very useful in sports where it is necessary to illuminate the playing area but not dazzle the spectators.


    For the CH64B and CH64D industrial ceiling lights we have declared working temperatures -30°C + 60°C. These temperatures have actually been tested in extreme industrial environments. It is no coincidence that our customers include FOUNDRIES and HEAVY INDUSTRIES.
    The resistance to high temperatures is further facilitated by the fact that the CH64 series dissipates from the front and not from the back of the lamp, as happens in all our competitors.
    The front dissipation also allowed the absence of finned dissipating blocks positioned on the back of the lamp. These blocks, in addition to being very heavy, facilitate the accumulation of dust and oils normally present in industrial processes with the totally opposite result of dissipation.